This impact story was published by GRuB. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Rachel has something to look forward to in the summer!

Rachel Mathias after 1 - small
Dear Venkat, Louann, Don, Marissa, David, Caleb, Carissa, Paul, Asdflkj, David, Chris, Cinda, Rebecca, J, and Ojus,

Thank you all for supporting GRuB as they work to inspire personal and community change in Mason and Thurston Counties of Washington State. Your contributions provided Rachel with a home garden. Students in the GRuB School program built a “double-dug” garden for Rachel this fall — it’s basically a big lasagna of compost, hay, soil, sand, and other nutrients that will slowly break down over the winter until they’ve turned into the perfect environment for Rachel to plant her garden.

Although Rachel won’t see the fruits of her garden until the coming summer, here’s what a few gardeners from this past spring had to say after their first growing season with GRuB:

“The raised beds were perfect – much easier on my arthritis! Weeding was much more manageable that expected. I was able to grow produce I couldn’t grow before due to proper garden placement. I now have an herb garden I am proud of and use almost daily.”

“After several years of trying unsuccessfully to garden in our yard, we were frustrated and had given up until we heard about GRuB. We were excited about the support and learning that we would receive! Our garden was in and it was time to plant. I spent hours lovingly planning my starts and seeds and revising my garden plan. Two weeks later, things were starting to grow and our garden was looking great! We were excited! We hit some bumps in the road; chickens, kids, dogs, cat, weather, etc. … but we made it through! Last week, my brother was married and we were able to share a beautiful salad almost entirely from our garden! It was a wonderful privilege to share the fruits of the gift given to us with others in our community. Thank you GRuB.”

From everyone at GRuB, thanks for providing the opportunity for Rachel and others like her to successfully sustain themselves by growing their own food!

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